Nuclear energy

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Scientific American Logo
February 18, 2014

Why the world needs more Leo Szilards

The body of men and women who built the atomic bomb was vast, diverse, talented and multitudinous. Every conceivable kind of professional – from theoretical physics to plumber – worked on the Manhattan Project for three years over an enterprise that spread across the country and equalled the US automobile industry in its marshaling of [...]

Ashutosh Jogalekar

Scientific American Logo
August 27, 2013

Digital Hydra: The Rise of the Couple Profile on Facebook

About 50 miles from the Texas border in southeastern New Mexico sits the town of Carlsbad, home of the renowned Carlsbad Caverns. Its lesser-known claim to fame which actually might have a disproportionately long-lasting impact on the future of energy and the human species is as a site for the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation [...]

Ashutosh Jogalekar